2023. Jubilejný 10-ty album skupiny Hex sa volá „Kde je tu láska?“ a hudobne je rovnako pestrý a farebný ako je farebný a pestrý jeho obal, ktorý v..
2023. Finland's Hexvessel return with their sixth album 'Polar Veil', a cold, metallic hymn to the Sub Arctic North. At once unmistakably Hexvessel, the album is churned in the cauldron of black metal, ritual folk p..
2022. This 1991 album by the Bay Area thrashers Hexx saw them ditching their speed/power metal roots and going full throttle into technically proficient death metal. The Svart reissue is an exact replica of the rare..
2022. This 1991 album by the Bay Area thrashers Hexx saw them ditching their speed/power metal roots and going full throttle into technically proficient death metal. The Svart reissue is an exact replica of the rare..
2022. Anotácia k tomuto titulu zatiaľ nie je dostupná.LS
2022. Anotácia k tomuto titulu zatiaľ nie je dostupná.LS
2022. Ultrapop je štvrtý štúdiový album slovenskej hudobnej skupiny Hex z roku 1997.GM
2022. Ultrapop je štvrtý štúdiový album slovenskej hudobnej skupiny Hex z roku 1997.GM
2022. Supermarket je piaty štúdiový album slovenskej hudobnej skupiny Hex z roku 1999.GM
2022. Supermarket je piaty štúdiový album slovenskej hudobnej skupiny Hex z roku 1999.GM
2022. Reissue of 'Being And Nothingness', the acclaimed 2012 sophomore album from California neo-thrashers Hexen. This album saw the band continue evolving the combination of old-school ferocity, with a more progres..
2022. Reissue of 'Being And Nothingness', the acclaimed 2012 sophomore album from California neo-thrashers Hexen. This album saw the band continue evolving the combination of old-school ferocity, with a more progres..
2021. Abrakadabra je druhý album skupiny Hex, vydaný v roku 1993. Pozostáva výhradne z coververzií piesní iných interpretov.DS
2021. Abrakadabra je druhý album skupiny Hex, vydaný v roku 1993. Pozostáva výhradne z coververzií piesní iných interpretov.DS
2021. Ježiš Kristus nosí krátke nohavice je prvý štúdiový album slovenskej hudobnej skupiny Hex z roku 1992. Hudobne bol ovplyvnen&yacut..
2021. Hexperos mixes neo-classical, dark gothic medieval folk with soprano vocals. Recommended for fans of Trobar de Morte, Artesia, Loreenna McKennit and the 'Lord Of The Rings' soundtracks. 'I Will Carry On' comes..
2021. M-Theory Audio will be reissuing 'State Of Insurgency', the acclaimed 2008 debut album from California neo-thrashers Hexen. The band's combination of old-school ferocity, new-school technicality and socially ..
2021. M-Theory Audio will be reissuing 'State Of Insurgency', the acclaimed 2008 debut album from California neo-thrashers Hexen. The band's combination of old-school ferocity, new-school technicality and socially ..
2022. The 2019 mini-album by the German black metal outfit, issued on vinyl.
2021. Reissue! Hexvessel's debut album 'Dawnbearer' was released worldwide in 2011 on Svart Records and is considered to be an influential classic record of the modern "occult rock" revival. Highly popular..
2021. Reissue! Hexvessel's debut album 'Dawnbearer' was released worldwide in 2011 on Svart Records and is considered to be an influential classic record of the modern "occult rock" revival. Highly popular..
2021. The most spectacular tracks by the Danish metal-hardcore crossover titans, collected onto DOUBLE-CD!