2016. - Earth's Gonna Shake,As Dreams Go By,No Regrets,Dizzy Jonsson & The Rovers,You Saved Me,How Lonely It Must Be Being You,Reincarnated The Same As I Ever Was,The War Is Over,Sail On My Seasick Brethren,Gol..
2008. - Ill wind,shadow of the old you,Slipping through the hands,Northern country boy,Ljusnan riverside Jam,Child of another time,Blue mountain blues,Hard falls,Lost in the woods,God only knows,1 Keine Titelinform..
2016. - Earth's Gonna Shake,As Dreams Go By,No Regrets,Dizzy Jonsson & The Rovers,You Saved Me,How Lonely It Must Be Being You,Reincarnated The Same As I Ever Was,The War Is Over,Sail On My Seasick Brethren,Gol..