2018. 'The Jingling World Of The Skygreen Leopards' is a collection of songs from the first two Skygreen Leopards CDRs. These two mini-albums were written and recorded in the distant days of 2001, a year with a name..
2016. An LP of fresh Nigerian synth-funk from Burkina Faso, recorded sometime between the late '70s and early '80s. These groovy dancing sounds, killer keys and slow burners will kill you softly. Also present is one..
2014. - blue stills,glenticast,chime ever,motion past shine,take flash east,emmel,set red, seize grey,strike silver, love green,plasticized fsa,illusion crossed phase,landmark rituals,teal spot focus,cour..
2014. - All the Rage Back Home,My Desire,Anywhere,Same Town, New Story,My Blue Supreme,Everything is Wrong,Breaker 1,Ancient Ways,Tidal Wave,Twice as Hard
2010. - booty full,treacherous head,home,back to basics,weightlessness,pullatickin,sunstone,kick in the door,do you like it,up to our necks in it,mcskunk,foam,a cow and a pig,that's the way,something betw..
2010. - dead hearts,wasted daylight,i died so i could haunt you,fixed,we don't want your body,he dreams he's awake,never been good with change,the passenger,the last song ever written,how much more,winter..
1998. - prelude to war/nazi strike,divide and conquer/battle of britain,battle of russia/battle of china,war comes to america/d-day normandy invasion,world at war/appointment in tokyo