2005. Dalo sa len ťažko očakávať, že Miro Žbirka po veľkom úspechu svojho posledného radového "Modrého" albumu môže svojich poslucháčov a fanúšikov ešte niečim prekvapiť. Ovšem vyzerá to tak, že Meky natočil svojho ..
2018. Popis: Spojenie interpretov z rôznych svetov, prostredí a štýlov. Projekt United Gravity však nie je kompilácia, ale plnohodnotný album. Oproti Duhanovej predošlej tvorbe je charakteristický rôznorodosťou aku..
2023. This metallic hardcore band from Southern California releases a three-track EP that will excite fans of a.o. Coalesce, Deadguy, Botch and Meshuggah. This is a limited edition of 316 copies.
2022. Composer James Duhamel teamed up with the One Take Tigers (the snappy nickname for the audio wizards at Ubisoft Montréal) to create an uneasy and mysterious generative real-time underscore for 'Tom Clan..
2021. James Kelly Duhon was a in a group known as The Ascots in the late '60s. As a solo artist, Duhon released four 7" singles, of which one is now reissued on Tramp.
2014. - beyond the blue,banjo roustabout,suffer no fools,burn,these dreams,black mountain lullaby,tonderhoning,lazy john,je pense a toi,you go east,i'll go west,just one step away,je pense a toi (reprise)..